st. louis

Social Impact at CIC St. Louis

CIC’s mission is to fix the world through innovation. CIC St. Louis strives to provide a positive, collaborative, and business-enhancing workspace for all entrepreneurs. We believe in empowering local communities to put innovation at the forefront and work towards solving some of the world’s toughest challenges.

Social impact touches all areas of our community and economy. To us, having a positive impact means leveraging your perspective to think globally and act locally. CIC is both a global network of thousands of entrepreneurs as well as a local St. Louis community, both of which you have access to. Being a member of CIC means you’re interested in helping make the world a better place, and we’re excited to be a part of your journey.

Applications for 2024 are now open. Should you have questions, reach out to:

Our Social Impact Cohort

The companies in our Social Impact Cohort will work in an environment that encourages collaboration, learning opportunities, and interaction. Access to weekly programming through CIC and local partners will provide cohort members educational and networking opportunities. 


The movers, shakers, and change-makers of STL! Is your organization working to make a positive change in STL, as it relates to social or environmental issues? We want you! Our ideal candidates are small organizations (both for profit and nonprofit) in the early stages of their mission-driven work. Current CIC clients are also eligible to participate in the upcoming cohort.


A 6-month cohort membership, including free space, community networking, and programming. Cohort members are eligible for a year of discounted membership at CIC after the 6-month free period ends.


Applications open June 15, 2024 and close July 15, 2024. Screening calls will be conducted the last two weeks of July and recipients will be notified of the decision in August. The cohort will begin September 3, 2024.

Community Partnerships & Support for Social Impact

CIC is always looking to build strategic partnerships with local non-profit and social impact organizations.

Email to learn more. 


Filament designs, facilitates & hosts amazing meetings that combine expert facilitation, creative problem-solving, visual thinking, and custom-designed tools to deliver unexpected insights and measurable outcomes in a fun, collaborative way. 

Together with Cortex and CIC, Filament has launched a new event series called SuperCollider that delivers a concentrated day of progress and practical learning to teams of three or more on the first Friday of every month. Learn more here.

Cortex Innovation Community

Cortex is a vibrant space serving as an inclusive economic engine for St. Louis.

Cortex creates equitable economic impacts by leveraging high-quality facilities, developing programs that build knowledge and networks, and convening strategic partnerships that attract and support emerging and established companies.


Meet the 2023 Cohort

Spirits Joy Foundation

James Dickerson, FOUNDER

Tell us what your organization does.

Spirit’s Joy Foundation is driven by a profound mission to make a lasting difference in the lives of children who have experienced the painful effects of bullying. The foundation was established to honor the memory of Spirit Butler, a vibrant and cherished young soul who, like too many others, faced the devastating consequences of bullying. Her life ended by suicide after enduring severe bullying and cyberbullying. James A. Dickerson, Spirit’s father, turned tragedy into triumph by establishing the Spirit’s Joy Foundation. Our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, operating under City Hope St. Louis, is committed to ending bullying, cyberbullying, and teen suicide through a multifaceted approach that includes awareness campaigns, public speaking, an after-school program, and transformative summer camps.

What do you hope to get out of participating in the CIC St. Louis Social Impact Cohort?

Being part of these communities gives us the chance to network with like-minded organizations, social entrepreneurs, and individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact on society. We hope to gain lifelong allies and partners in mutually beneficial collaboration. Our aim is to increase our organization’s visibility and credibility, which could attract more donors, volunteers, or people in need of our services.

What advice do you have for other STL organizations aiming to make a positive impact in the community?

Build strong connections within the community you are serving. Listen to the people you aim to serve, involve them in your programs, and adapt your initiatives based on their feedback and needs. Seek partnerships and collaborations with other organizations, community leaders, and stakeholders. Collective efforts often yield more significant results than individual ones. Additionally, regularly celebrate and share your achievements and milestones. This not only motivates your team but also inspires others to support your cause!

Tech Jobs for Good

Kelsey Greathouse, cofounder
Noah Hart, founder

Tell us what your organization does.

Tech Jobs for Good connects tech talent with social and environmental impact organizations. To date, we have posted over 17,200 jobs at 1,810 organizations across 11 impact areas. Our mission is to mobilize tech workers to tackle the world’s biggest challenges.

What do you hope to get out of participating in the CIC St. Louis Social Impact Cohort?

We hope to be surrounded by passionate people doing good work. Being new to the city of St. Louis, we are looking forward to connecting with the local community, developing relationships with other entrepreneurs, and learning from each other’s successes and failures.

What advice do you have for other STL organizations aiming to make a positive impact in the community?

Engage with others. Understand what other people and organizations are working on and collaborate where you can. Share your knowledge and be willing to seek out other perspectives to learn from as well.

Kurkowski Consulting

Mark Kurkowski, Owner

Tell us what your organization does.

Kurkowski Consulting provides strategic applications and awareness on domestic violence, stalking, and harassment in the workplace. The training provided by Kurkowski Consulting is essential for fostering a safe and prepared community.

What do you hope to get out of participating in the CIC St. Louis Social Impact Cohort?

I hope to gain an understanding of operating a small business, particularly how social media influences marketing. My goal is to leverage networking opportunities to ultimately secure funding to provide training and workshops at no cost.

What advice do you have for other STL organizations aiming to make a positive impact in the community?

Develop your networking skills. Networking builds trust with other businesses and individuals. It is also essential to make a positive impact in the community.

Activate STL

Tiara Jordan-Sutton,
Founder & Executive Director

Tell us what your organization does.

Activate STL builds intentional and deep relationships with those most underserved by our current public school systems. We uplift and train parents and students to unlock their power as change agents to ensure a better future for all children, no matter your zip code or your parents’ income. We teach and inform them about the levels of power, both locally and at the state level, that can impact change through policy and legislation, resulting in a meeting with their city and state elected officials to share their testimonies and calls to action.

What do you hope to get out of participating in the CIC St. Louis Social Impact Cohort?

Our hope for this cohort is to build relationships and learn from other social impact game-changers who are also tackling complex issues in the St. Louis community. We believe we are all better when we come together to make a more significant impact.

What advice do you have for other STL organizations aiming to make a positive impact in the community?

Community is vital; it’s not about competition; it’s about making each other better for the community we serve! We need to work together more and support one another’s work. St. Louis has numerous nonprofits, but the goal should be a more significant impact and change for all. Together, we can create lasting change for generations to come.

Pack Dance

Arica Nyamsi, Founder,
Executive, Artistic Director

Tell us what your organization does.

Pack Dance is a professional dance company and community arts education center. Our professional dance concerts highlight social and environmental topics and our artists are attracted to Pack Dance because of the work we do in the community. We offer drop-in dance classes for adults, with or without prior dance or movement experience. Pack Dance also has a comprehensive youth education program where we offer need-based scholarships for families and students in need.

What do you hope to get out of participating in the CIC St. Louis Social Impact Cohort?

We hope to deepen our roots in St. Louis and form meaningful connections with other organizations and individuals making positive change in our community. We are also excited to learn from the businesses and initiatives in our building like Filament and Venture Café! 

What advice do you have for other STL organizations aiming to make a positive impact in the community?

Who is your target audience? What or who are you trying to help through your organization? Check in with those people and find out what they need and how they want to be helped. So often, with good intentions, we make assumptions about what people want and need, never thinking to stop and ask them. Everything is powered by people. Start with your people.

Abstract Consulting

Brie Davenport, Owner

Tell us what your organization does.

Abstract Consulting, LLC, under the guidance of owner and consultant Brie D, is dedicated to empowering individuals, families, and businesses through collaboration, education, and ethical innovation. Brie’s mission is to inspire positive transformation by guiding clients to make informed decisions, foster inclusivity, and create a lasting impact in their communities. Brie envisions a world where diversity is celebrated, educational barriers are eliminated, and ethical innovation thrives, ultimately leading to the prosperity of individuals and communities.

What do you hope to get out of participating in the CIC St. Louis Social Impact Cohort?

Participating in the CIC St. Louis Social Impact Cohort is an incredible opportunity for me to further Abstract Consulting’s mission of empowerment and positive change. By joining this dynamic community, I aim to expand our reach, deepen our impact, and forge meaningful collaborations that align with our mission. This platform provides the resources, mentorship, and support we need to accelerate our growth and make a significant difference in the communities we serve.

What advice do you have for other STL organizations aiming to make a positive impact in the community?

My advice for other organizations in St. Louis is to center collaboration, education, and ethical innovation at the heart of your initiatives. Seek out opportunities like the CIC St. Louis Social Impact Cohort to connect with a supportive community, access valuable resources, and gain mentorship. Embrace diversity, celebrate it, and recognize the strength it brings to your efforts. Remember that together, we can eliminate barriers to education, inspire inclusivity, and drive positive change, ultimately creating a brighter future for individuals and communities.

Unlocked Labs

Rosa Mayer, COO
Maxime Legros, Chief of Staff
Cory Pride, Software Developer

Tell us what your organization does.

Unlocked Labs trains incarcerated individuals in America’s prisons with technology skills to empower them to access upwardly mobile careers upon their release and to join our team building social impact technology to create a better justice system. 

Unlocked Labs believes those closest to the problem can solve the problem. We deploy an innovative re-entry employment model that provides transitional upskilling and employment to returning citizens, giving them an opportunity to hone their skills, find good jobs, and maintain a clean record.

What do you hope to get out of participating in the CIC St. Louis Social Impact Cohort?

Tapping into the knowledge of experienced navigators of the social impact space could only help our team build better processes and support our mission. CIC’s community has a variety of experts who can help us develop culturally-sensitive solutions that take into account the specific needs and challenges of all of our stakeholders. Additionally, the Social Impact Cohort and CIC community can (and is!) provide support and resources to help us build a stronger organization just by being in close proximity to those who have done it before.

What advice do you have for other STL organizations aiming to make a positive impact in the community?

There is a wealth of information in this community, and odds are, a problem that an organization is facing has probably been solved before. Be willing to ask for help and lean on your community members—we’re all in this together!

Thank you for your interest in the CIC St. Louis Social Impact Cohort

Applications for the 2024 cohort are now open. Follow this link to apply. Should you have questions, reach out to: