How CIC Supports Local Artists and their Work

By Emily Cooper

CIC’s mission is to change the world through innovation by developing ecosystems that allow exceptional entrepreneurs to innovate better and faster. We do this by actively building innovation communities in the centers of future-focused cities.

On any given day there are hundreds of entrepreneurs, businessmen and women, visitors, and innovators of all ages and stages coming to work and witness the goings-on within the walls of CIC. With so much energy and potential buzzing through the halls, it’s no wonder a group of “CICers” were inspired to tackle the blank canvas of those walkways.

The CIC Arts Committee formed in October 2014 with a mission to bring local art (currently only 2D, but with dreams of broadening our scope) into our shared spaces. Artwork has a magical ability to transport the viewer, inspire and encourage ideas, and open pathways of thought; it can soothe and excite, it can beautify and electrify. With the greater CIC mission being to strengthen local innovation communities, what could be better than forging strong bonds between local artists and the heavily tech- and life-science-based community that is Kendall Square?

Artists can exhibit their work for free at CIC through a simple submission review process. If accepted, artists gain publicity and have the potential to sell their pieces. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship as the artist receives these benefits. And the rest of us? We get the distinct pleasure of enjoying the various creative expressions that define local talent, which could potentially become conversation pieces and idea starters.

Artworks currently hanging in our three buildings across Cambridge and Boston include the likes of Luti Castro, Felipe Ortiz, Adam O’Day, Raquel Fornasaro, Nancy Savage, Lauren Levine, Cassandra Zampini,Jocelyn Scheirer, Adam LoRusso, Cullen Winkler, and more. All of these artists are either clients or members of the local Cambridge/Boston community. A few submissions have even been submitted on behalf of the children of CIC clients and local students!

CIC Arts has slowly taken a very grassroots path to seeking work to exhibit, encouraging artists to submit via QR codes on bulletin board posts and through community email updates. We want to provide our local circle with as much opportunity and exposure as possible. By doing so, we seek to strengthen our foundation here and connect our neighbors, thus shedding light on all the beauty and innovation happening around us. We feel there is art and the artful in all industries, it’s just a matter of perspective.

If you or someone you know is interested in displaying their work at CIC, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through our submission form or at  Also, join us for our Second Annual CIC Arts Week happening May 2-6 in partnership with Citi Performing Art Center’s ArtWeek Boston.

From CIC Boston Cambridge