Denmark and the Netherlands celebrate 500 years of innovative partnership

Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark visits European innovation hub CIC

Rotterdam – On the 20th and 21st June 2022, a Danish trade delegation of 30 leading Danish companies in green energy and smart healthcare will visit the Netherlands. Together with Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark, Danish Minister of Climate and Energy Dan Jørgensen and Danish Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke. The purpose of the visit is to establish and strengthen partnerships, to enter into collaborations and to offer solutions in the field of sustainability and smart healthcare. Entrepreneurs, policymakers and experts from both countries will discuss the challenges in the field of innovation, sustainability and healthcare. One of the innovative highlights is the visit to the leading European innovation hub: Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) in Rotterdam. Here, the Crown Prince and the ministers will enter into discussions with three Dutch innovative start-ups in the field of innovation, cleantech and sustainability.

Denmark and the Netherlands have maintained a strong commercial and friendly relationship for over 500 years. In the past, there was mainly cooperation in agriculture where Dutch farmers brought methods to Denmark that were innovative at the time. Nowadays, the countries are working together in the field of sustainability, green energy, the environment and healthcare.

“Innovation transcends national borders and the best way to solve today’s problems is to bring together the most innovative global companies. With 8 offices worldwide and   innovative companies, startups and scaleups, CIC has a leading position in the world of innovation, sustainability and smart technology. The meeting of the official, innovative and commercial top of Denmark and the Netherlands is a continuation of the good relationship between the two countries. CIC is home to the most innovative companies worldwide that shape the future of the world, so we wholeheartedly facilitate the visit of the Danish trade delegation to contribute to a cleaner, smarter and healthier future.” Melissa Ablett-Jordaan, COO CIC international.

CIC startup talk

CIC facilitates a startup talk and links three Dutch companies to the trade delegation. The companies present are Corekees, Somnox and TransitionHERO. Corekees makes it possible to invest in trees, wheredividends are paid from the harvest. By doing so, the scale-up prevents deforestation. Somnox makes sleep technology accessible by means of a robot, which promotes a healthier sleep rhythm. , TransitionHERO uses its platform to design and scale up green innovations in a fast  way. In addition to the three companies Melissa Ablett-Jordaan,  COO of CIC global,  will also talk about how she set up CIC Rotterdam – the first European location – about 6 years ago and how  has strengthened the innovative  of the  .

Leading European innovation hub

At the beginning of 2016, the originally American group successfully set up the first European Innovation Community. Rotterdam became the entrepreneurial hub of Europe. The philosophy behind this community is that technological innovation can be stimulated and strengthened through cross-functional collaborations. More than €600 million has been raised under the roof of CIC Rotterdam, which has empowered the innovative landscape of both Rotterdam and Europe.

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