Where Promise Meets Progress – CIC Warsaw 2023 Impact Report

To paraphrase one of our Clients, 2023 was a bumpy ride with picturesque views. It tested our resilience and revealed new paths of growth, development, and positive change. At the start of this year, we promised ourselves and our Clients to keep fixing the world through innovation and to keep improving the standards of office spaces, coworking, as well as hosting conferences and events. Join us in exploring our 2023 Impact Report. Inside, you’ll find inspiring stories of success, promises kept, and remarkable progress. Together, let’s celebrate the milestones achieved and learnings gained on our journey toward a brighter future.

Meaningful Partnerships

We are proud to have created a space where 1 in 4 Clients formed a partnership with another CIC-er – and this achievement should come as no surprise, given the diversity of companies, NGOs, and freelancers who have made CIC Warsaw Innovation Campus their home.

At the forefront of our community are the entrepreneurs and innovators. Sole proprietors and small businesses make up 56.6% of our community. We’re also proud to host a number of mid-sized and corporate businesses, along with venture capitalists.

Giving Back to the Community

The heart of each Cambridge Innovation Center beats in unison with the surrounding communities, as well as the communities formed within each campus. We continuously observe our surroundings and frequently engage in and initiate projects to support innovators, mentors, mentees, and visionary thinkers (especially those who think outside the box!) — as well as marginalized communities — to promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.

CIC-ers are Changemakers

CIC Warsaw is a platform for People of Action whose ideas reach high, wide, deep, and beyond. Don’t hesitate to explore the 2023 Success Stories of our Clients (pages 13-25) to learn about resource management tools, biorefineries, virtual heat and power plants, breakthroughs in medicine, and a health and fitness project which helped over 31 thousand people in 2023.

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